Shades of gray and cream dominate the atmosphere of the living area (right), giving it a modern, bright, and welcoming feel. Brass-colored velvet cushions add elegant accents. mend being palette is only nice when you want a calm more temperate. atmosphere. If you were to choose blue This is for as an accent colour, I would recommend sustainability combining different shades, like an Yves reasons, too. Klein blue with turquoise or ocean blue. It’s hard to get And then of course, the question remains: fed up of a quality sofa. How can I play with accessories? Gold goes with blue and accentuates it, for Once I have that, example through gold piping. I can then build the rest of the Are there any colours that just don’t room around it work well, or even shades that you and bring it to would advise against? life with individ- No. Essentially, anything you like is allo- ual armchairs. wed. You shouldn’t limit yourself, but lis- And of course, ten to how you feel. Personally, I wouldn’t cushions are go for red curtains because I find them something that too overpowering. But I know people who can be easily do, and it looks really beautiful, like a and quickly Bordeaux-coloured velvet around the swapped. window. Would you I wouldn’t necessarily recommend linen It really depends on the material. Where do you start when choosing a choose two or three different shades, in a deep red, but a rich, lustrous shade room’s colour scheme? or is it best to identify a primary and in velour or mohair is very elegant. I start with the largest piece of furniture, accent colour? I could also imagine red in a space with which should last for a long time. For I find accent colours aren’t enough and a lot of concrete, as it would give it a example, the sofa. Here, I would recom- can soon become boring. A tonal colour different, almost theatrical twist. HANDMADE WITH PASSION 17